Boston Globe calls Magic Trip “stories are out of this world”
Boston Globe calls Magic Trip “stories are out of this world”
LA Times: “Alex Gibney and Alison Ellwood have realized Kesey’s dream”
New York Times OpEd on Magic Trip and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
With its opening in theaters this past Friday, Magic Trip has been gathering plenty of attention in the press. Count the New York Times among those who’ve noticed the film. Magic Trip was featured in a piece earlier this week on the front page of the Times website. The article, “Film Hitches a Weird Ride… Continue reading Magic Trip in the New York Times
Artforum calls Magic Trip a “small miracle of a documentary”
Huffington Post says Magic Trip film “like a secret entryway into a world you could only imagine”
Wired delves into Ken Kesey’s government-sponsored LSD trip as portrayed in Magic Trip